Tuesday, July 26, 2011

God wants me to know!!!!

I am sure that most of you have a Facebook account. Well on a daily basis i was seeing a post from a lot of my friends saying "On this day, God wants you to know.....". So I decided to "like" the app to see what God had to say to me daily through this. Well here i am today to say that i honestly believe God is right on time every day with his message to me through this app.

I have had a lot going on over the last few days and have been very busy. Honestly, I have even let all of the busyness get in the way of my fellowship with God. I was just praying to God this morning to forgive me for allowing distance between us over the last few days. As i went to look at my daily message from God this afternoon, here is what it said:
On this day of your life, Rebecca, we believe God wants you to know ... that the voice of God is best heard in silence.
Message from God
All too often loud events and daily busyness cloud your vision of God. Take some time to slow down; let there be silence, let there be peace. Calm your mind and let your inner voice re-emerge from the silence. Allow yourself to see visions, allow yourself to dream dreams; and you may hear the voice of God reaching out to you.

How much more clear can he be!!!!! I was so amazed at his message to me as i just prayed and asked for fogiveness this morning for allowing this to happen!

I have allowed the busyness to get in my way of allowing him to speak to me and reach out to me! I am slowing down. Time for some silence and peace so that God can work in my life!!!!

Slowing down for God,


Monday, July 11, 2011

God's Promise!!!

I wrote a blog a few weeks ago about God calling me to share my testimony. I was obedient to God and shared my testimony with our Wed night young adult class about 2 weeks ago. Well, wouldn't you know, Satan didn't like it and he began to attack the very next week.

Last week, my family had several different incidents that were not very good. It was very hard dealing with some of them, but as I remembered God's promise in the verse: Deut. 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”, I allowed God to take complete control of my situations. I had the best peace that i had ever experienced in situations that i faced this past week. I was so overwhelmed with the sense of peace that i had.

I talked to a few good godly friends about the situations and got advice from them on how i should handle the situations. I took the advice they gave me and also prayed to God for his guidance and wisdom. Well, as i was talking to one of those friends today and telling her some ways that i handled the situations last night, and as i was telling her she told me that she prayed about the situation last night and she had prayed for something very specific and what she had prayed for (that i didn't ask or even talk to her about yesterday) is exactly what happend!

If that doesn't amaze you at how amazing and wonderful God is then i don't know what will! He placed us on the heart of that special person last night to pray for us because he knew that we would need it. God was with us through everything that has happened over the last week and we have not allowed Satan any glory!!!!

Praising God,

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I started, today, re-reading a book that i purchased last year. "A Woman Who Reflects the Heart of Jesus" by Eliabeth George. I read a few chapters out of it shortly after i purchased it, but never finished it. When i picked it back up today to start reading, i immediately knew that this is when i was supposed to be reading it. When i started reading it last time, it really didn't speak to me. But as i started reading today, i was convicted immediately.

The 1st chapter is about being "Approachable" to everyone as Jesus was. Of course, i always seem to think that anyone could come to me for anything or any advice and I would be willing to do whatever i could to help. But as i read in this chapter, I began to think that i may not always seem approachable to everyone. My attitude or busyness may leave people thinking otherwise.

It gave several examples of when Jesus was approachable:
1st was in Mark 1:41 when the leper approached Jesus an he healed him immediately,
2nd was in Mark 2:1-5, when Jesus was "busy" preaching God's word, and the friend's of the paralytic brougt him to the packed house and let the bed down through the roof and Jesus stopped in the middle of his sermon and miraculously healed the man.
3rd in Matthew 19 where the parents brought the little children to Jesus to pray over and the disciples thought that Jesus was too important to be bothered, but Jesus said "Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven" (Matt.19:14-15) He laid his hands on them.
4th in Mark 7:24-30 the Gentile woman approached Jesus and asked him to cast the demon out of her daughter and he did.

How wonderful is that. Oh how i desire to have an "approachable" appearance and heart as Jesus did. As it was giving all of these examples and giving all of the "excuses" that us as humans would use in times of people approaching us for help to do something or even just for advice really hit home and convicted me. I want to be "approachable" as Jesus was. I know that i will not reach the perfection of Christ until i am face to face with him, but in the mean time my desire is to be as much like Christ as possible.

Are you really "Approachable"? Would you stop in the middle of what you were doing, that seemed "important", to help anyone? Would you change your schedule or postpone something that you had planned to help someone in need? Of course i would answer "yes" immediately to these questions when asked, but when it comes down to it I'm not sure that it would be that easy. Of course, it is easy when it is someone you love or a friend, but what about if it's someone that you don't know or someone that you consider "lower" than you??? This was a very convicting chapter to me and gave me a lot to think about in my journey with Christ!

Love in Christ,

Friday, July 1, 2011

Knowing God Speaks!!!!

                                                Job 33:14
      For God speaks again and again,though people do not recognize it.

This verse speaks so much to me. I, for a long time, did not recognize the voice of God.  I have come to realize that God speaks through people, things, and circumstances to us.

We have 2 ladies that teach our Sunday School class. They rotate every month. 1 teaches one month and then the other teaches the next month. The one that is supposed to be speaking this month is going out of town for the weekend to visit family. So, in this case, the other one would normally take on the lesson. But, she is also out of town working for a few weeks. I say all of this to say that I was asked yesterday if I could teach being that both ladies were gonna be out of town this Sunday. I thought for a little while, (this is definately still out of my comfort zone)  and spoke with my husband about our plans for the weekend. We were planning on going to the river Saturday and staying until Monday for the 4th of July. But i felt that God was really giving me an opportunity that i shouldn't turn down. So we decided that I would just drive home from the river (which is only about 45 min) Sunday morning to teach Sunday School and then just drive back after church.

Well, as i opened up my Sunday School book this morning to look at the lesson for the week, the title is "Selfless"!  It says freedom in Christ leaves no room for Selfishness. I knew as soon as i read this title that this was definately God speaking to me and i was supposed to be teaching this lesson this week to help myself learn from it. If you have read any of my earlier blogs, one of them was about how God has been dealing with me on some selfishness and jealousy issues. God is always on time and knows exactly what we need and when we need it.

I am so amazed at how much God has been speaking clearly to me over the last few weeks and how much i have realized that he is trying to grow me and strengthen my relationship with him! I encourage you to please be open to receive what God is speaking to you about and be willing to do whatever it is that he may be leading you to do for him and his glory!

Love in Christ,